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Rob Mumford is 33 and is bored of being bored. His life is not delivering. But, what does he expect? He works in research, he’s single, and he’s taking his two-week summer holiday at home.
Rob blames his ex-girlfriend for most of his woes. She was the one that took his furniture and social life and left nothing in their place, except boredom. And, boredom can make stupidity seem very attractive; almost obligatory. This is proved beyond doubt when Rob discovers a stranger in his garden. Does he call the police? No. He sets a trap. And, from that moment, life becomes far too interesting.
He enters a world that he neither knows nor likes, and soon he is falling for a woman and falling to earth, and he knows that both are going to hurt. With his arm in plaster and his home being used for surveillance, he longs for the warmth of boredom, or the cold comfort of his ex-girlfriend.
But, there is hope. His new love seems to like him. Can he convince her that she is right to do so? Yes, as long as he doesn’t do anything stupid.............