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Page 12
I straightened and held up my left hand to shield myself from the unbearable light.
When I opened my eyes, there was an enormous green-
“Yes, I’m fine. I’ve just blinded myself.”
“What are you doing?” said the purple patch.
I moved my right hand to my forehead to give me some more shade and to buy me some time. I’d been pissing about casting shadows, but she’d seen that for herself. My mouth set off without me.
“I try to photograph wildlife,” I said, “I think we get foxes.”
“Really? I’d like to see them.”
“OK……….I’ll let you know if I get any. See you later. Goodnight.”
“Yes, goodnight.”
I hurried out of her view. The word “Goodnight” stayed with me. It was a long time
since a woman had said that to me, and it really did feel “good”. And, it was a small
consolation for being blinded. I went inside, locked the back door and shut my eyes
tightly in a futile attempt to restore my sight. I repeated this as I felt my way
up the stairs, and I relived our brief conversation. Why had I said, “See you later”?
It was five-