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Page 22
“Is that Coscu?”
“Cusco,” she corrected, “it’s a city in Peru”.
Oh dear ,again.
“Do you know it?” she said.
“I know the shop, not the place. I bought a mirror for my sister-
Her eyes widened.
“Was she happy with it?”
“Yes, she was – very.”
“That’s good,” she said, and nodded.
The sun appeared for the first time in the day. Her dark-
“What about you? What do you do?”
I stopped enjoying myself.
“Oh, research.”
I wanted her to say, “That sounds interesting,” so that I could take comfort in that we had both lied during out first conversation. She didn’t. There was another silence during which I looked at her arms. She had a natural tan that was not of English origin, but her voice and mannerisms definitely were. She went to speak, stopped, and then started again. She’d become nervous and there was a hint of redness about her cheeks. What was she trying to say? Please, don’t mention the poo. Please, no.
“I was thinking about having a small party in a couple of weeks – just a few friends and neighbours,” she said.
Phew, she was going to warn me about the noise.