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Page 23
“That’s all right,” I said.
She laughed and put her hand on the top of her thigh.
“No, no. Would you like to come?”
I laughed too at my own stupidity and we looked at one another. I hoped that she could not read my mind.
“That’ll be great,” I said, “I’ll look forward to it.”
The bus pulled in to the stop. She moved with the queue and then turned.
“By the way, I’m Helena.”
“I’m Rob,” I said, and held out my hand. She took it. She was warm.
“Nice to meet you, Rob.”
She was right.
“Yes, you too. See you again.”
She stepped on to the bus and I resisted the urge to remain at the stop and wave to her as she departed. My conversation had not been brilliant, but it didn’t matter. We’d made contact and she didn’t have a cat. The day had just got better.